Teacher Version

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Forward Until Touch

Topics Covered

  • setMultipleMotors Command Block
  • stopMultipleMotors Command Block
  • waitUntil Command Blocks

Virtual Robot: MoveUntilTouchVR.rbg

Physical Robot: MoveUntilTouch.rbg

Check Your Understanding

  1. What does the setMultipleMotors command block allow you to do?
    1. Turn up to four motors on at a specific power
    2. Turn up to four motors on for a certain number of rotations
    3. Turn up to four motors on until the Touch Sensor is triggered
    4. Combine with the next block to make a special command
  2. What does the stopMultipleMotors command block allow you to do?
    1. Turn up to four motors off
    2. Wait for the Touch Sensor to be pressed
    3. Wait for the Touch Sensor to be pressed, then turn the motors off
    4. End the program
  3. What does the waitUntil command block allow you to do?
    1. Force the robot to stop until what the command is set to wait for has happened
    2. Allow the robot to keep doing what it was doing until what the command is set to wait for has happened
    3. Wait for an until command block to be processed before moving on
    4. waitUntil is not a valid name for a command

ClosedClick here for the Answers

A. Turn up to four motors on at a specific power

A. Turn up to four motors off

B. Allow the robot to keep doing what it was doing until what the command is set to wait for has happened

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